Figures of Speech used in Ode to the West Wind

Ode to the West Wind poem was written by P.B. Shelley. Figures of Speech increase the importance and beauty of the poem. Here are some figures of speech used in this poem. They are important for your exam point of view. Stanza 1 (Figures of Speech/Poetic Devices) Stanza 2 (Figures of Speech/Poetic Devices) Stanza 3 … Read more

Ode to the West Wind Poem Explanation

About the Author: Percy Byssche Shelley was a Romantic poet. He was born on 04 August 1792, at Field Place, Warnham, West Sussex, England and died on 08 July 1822, at Gulf of La Sperzea, Kingdom of Sardinia. He was son to Timothy Shelley a Whig member of Parliament, and Elizabeth Pilphold the daughter of … Read more